I have the news on right now, and I thought about your post Marilyn. PH is out of jail, they just buried that poor fireman who died last week, a 20 year old father who abused his baby (I won't go into details - evil) and she's in critical condition, and some new reason about why our trains won't run right. Oh yeah - and why Christy Whitman is at fault for not warning workers of pollution from 9/11.
Last, but not least there was just a story about a gay high school student who spent $150.00 to have a page of the yearbook on which he put a picture of him and his lover kissing. Someone in the school decided that this is unacceptable for high school seniors to see (believe me - I taught high school in NYC - they've seen it already, and just about everything else). This person sat down and magic markered out all of the pictures of this couple in all of the books. The windup - if students want the uncensored version, it is now available. Whichever side of that fence you happen to be on, I think they're both nuts and need to get lives.
Sorry Marilyn - I know you wanted to avoid the news.