Thread: Missing Mandy!
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Old 06-27-2007, 09:57 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Mandy
Thank you all so much, like ive said before, you guys are the best, i really meant it!
I havent been online much at all lately, since im packing up, and moving. Lots, and lots of work to be done still.
We are moving away from the buzzing city, to a little town on the Belgian border.
I cant handle the noise, and the loud drunk people over weekends anymore!

I have missed you all too, and hope that soon all will be settled so i can visit with me friends again!

You all take care of yourselves for me, and hugs to all!
Glad you are well Mandy I know the Belgian border is miles and miles but we used to live in germany a place called Wegburg, and used to go to a coffee shop just over the Belgian border cannot think of the name of the place (senior moment).
Will have to see if hubby can remember when he gets in. I used to look forward to our treat of coffee and cakes ha but I was thin in them day's .
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