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Old 06-28-2007, 10:55 AM   #9
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The girls and I made it home safe and sound.
They jumped around for a little while in the car, but pretty much settled down by the time I'd gone 10 miles, so it wasn't for too long.
Montana (the chocolate) stuck her nose out the window and sniffed most of the way home. She started whining when we got within 5 miles or so of home, then shot out of the car like a rocket once we got here and had a bout of diarreah.. Thank God she didn't do it IN the car and seems to be over it already.

Canada (the black) stood on the seat behind me licking my head, ears, and hand when I'd put it up for her. She seemed to think she needed to "kiss up" lol

I'd bought tie-outs for both of them, so have them staked out right now. They can touch noses, but not tangle together. Between them is a little kiddie pool filled with water which they both seem to enjoy. They were barking pretty wildly until I gave them each a large basted chew to work their frustrations out on. They're behind the house under a huge old cedar tree so have plenty of shade and fewer distractions to help them settle in.

The neighbors yellow lab pup has already been over to introduce herself. Montana let her know she should go back where she came from. My elderly dog-loving neighbor came over to meet them and helped me by hanging onto Montana while I got Canada situated. He thought they were a very nice pair.

I can watch them from my bedroom window, so will be checking on them frequently. I figure I'll leave them alone for a while so they can unwind a bit before I try bringing them in the house.
mosescanada initial meeting.jpg This is Moses and Canada during their initial meeting. I'd cleaned out the pool and filled it with fresh water just minutes before, but with 3 water loving dogs jumping in it, it didn't stay that way long. LOL Moses looks unsure of the girls, and rumbles down deep when they get too personal while sniffing him, but they just shrug it off. I'll post some better pictures once I get new batteries for the camera. It died after this one shot!
'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.'
England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair'
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