Hi Tink! I just came up on this post so, I really don't know the whole story...But, why did they plant gardens on YOUR property? And...(I'm assuming) that this is a new property you bought?? and they planted there before you bought it? If they are nice people I would, very nicely tell them what you are doing and give them the chance to either ,move their plantings(that can be moved) or, that they come onto your property once a week (like someone here had mentioned) to tend to their garden with, full well knowing that YOU are not responsible for their garden or anything that happens to it..HOWEVER....if they are hateful neighbors...I would tell them what you are doing and that they need to move everything, that they can...off your property by a certain time or the plants will be destroyed....
Does that sound harsh?!!
Last edited by blowry; 07-01-2007 at 10:21 AM.