Originally Posted by Ponyup
You are correct, my relationship with the parents is strained at best. My dad worked a lot as a kid so I never really got to know him. And in my mom's eyes I was a very distant second to my wonderful brother. I'm scared to try to find something else. I'm have a hard time selling myself. Plus I have no idea what I really want to pursue. But I have a few days off this week & i think I'm going to do some major soul searching. Going back to school is also an option. I just need to find a direction. Plus a little therapy to help with my self esteem probably wouldn't hurt either.
Thanks, for listening & being so supportive.
I was going to suggest maybe seeing someone. It never hurts to talk to someone that is a professional..I am assuming that you are young...and if so...you have many years ahead of you to do and be what you want. I sorry to hear that your Mom has put your second to your brother...all the more reason to show her that you can do ANYTHING!! Anytime you want to talk or need someone to listen I will be here for you...just remember Blowry...you can pm me anytime you want...Good luck to you and NEVER give up!
Big Hugs!