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Old 07-03-2007, 03:14 PM   #5
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Thanks ladies I'm VERY relieved to have this much done.
The dw stopped in to tell me that she plans to sign a quit claim to give the land to the dh... so it looks like we may be dealing with him soon. I seriously doubt he will be able to come up with the cash to do a survey or hire a lawyer to take us to court to contest it. If he did, he'd have to prove that the line is incorrect, which is highly unlikely since it was a GPS survey.
She said he'll be in jail at least the rest of the week, so for now I can relax.

I'm amazed at how much land we gained between what we discovered to be ours on the one side and what we're getting from the amish family on the other side. I think we're going to need a riding mower in the near future.
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England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair'
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