Lindsey, I can totally relate. When I started dating my now dh in college, we both had dogs. I had a yorkie that my ex-boyfriend had given me and he had a lab that his ex-girlfriend had given him. We both hated each other's dogs because they represented our ex's. Both of our dogs ended up going to live with our parents, for many reasons, not just because we didn't like each other's dogs. Anyway, to this day our parents still have our dogs we had in college & now DH and I have a lab and yorkies that are OURS, not just his and hers. I'm sure your bf doesn't like Layla bc Layla isn't HIS. If I were you, I would try really hard to get your BF to accept Layla and try to make her "his" as well as "yours." Ask him to take her on walks and help you give her baths. Try to make him feel like you aren't putting Layla in front of him (even if you are). If it gets REALLY serious (or if it already is) between you two, refer to him as her "daddy." Make him hold her and give him kisses. I think he'll come around in time if he really loves you and if it was meant to be. Some people just aren't dog lovers. Hubby and I both love OUR dogs, but neither of us are keen on other people's dogs.
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48