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Old 07-06-2007, 09:37 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
I had a bad dream last night....

I had a bad dream last night... I dreamed that I was at this wonderful party, lots of good food, good music and beautiful people. I was all dolled up in a pretty dress, great makeup and hair. A woman came by with a handful of cute whimpering puppies she wanted to sell. They were so cute, so cuddly, so adorable, I couldn't help it, I picked one up and the puppy just licked me endlessly, scratching my dress... messing up my hair and makeup.... I wanted to take him home.... I had him in my arms ready to take home... and then hubby appeared in him pj's and said "NO!", left the little whimpering puppy on the floor where I stood and scatted me home... sans puppy.... and then I woke up.... I feel so sad...
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