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Old 07-06-2007, 10:09 AM   #13
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Thanks ladies.
I've contacted the county zoning office and they said to just go ahead and put up our fence ON the boundary line since we did already do that survey. I told them the situation here, so they will be aware of it should the neighbor contact them. We will be putting down wood posts in concrete, so removing them will be a major job should he decide to attempt it.

I also contacted the county sherffis dept and spoke with them. They're putting me on a notification list so hopefully they'll be letting me know when he's going to be released from jail and I can make a point of having company or being gone when he arrives. I'd just as soon not be here alone when he discovers his empty house and the survey markers. I'd like to at least give him time to cool off before I have to see him.

Thanks for your concern Janet. I'm not taking any chances that I can avoid in regard to him. I know he's a potential threat and don't let my guard down at all around him. Physically I'm no match for him, and he's irrational and violent by nature, so I know better than to tangle with him.

Dh is in town getting his DOT physical so will be home shortly. He will be around until Sunday morning so we plan to get at least the cemented posts in today and tomorrow.
'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.'
England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair'
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