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Old 07-07-2007, 10:48 PM   #1
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Another option to consider

Since I know we have a lot of dog lovers here, I thought you all might be able to help me make a decision.

My lab ladies are registered, vet checked, good breeding quality dogs. I got them with the intention of breeding them with my standard poodle. They are both in good condition to be bred according to my vet. The chcolate has just come into heat. I have someone who has contacted me wanting me to allow his yellow lab male to breed her and let him have pick of the litter male pup for the breeding. His dog is very nice with good lines, etc. It is getting up in age and he wants a pup to raise with the male so that it can have as much of his influence as possible.

IF I agree to this, I will have purebred lab pups to sell. Both parents have good lines, are nice dogs in good health, with good hips, and so on. So that really isn't an issue. Because of her age, I only plan to breed the chocolate probably twice. I won't breed her more than once a yr because they have 8- 12 pups per litter as a rule and it takes a lot out of them to carry and nurse so many. I do NOT want to become a puppy mill type breeder. I would likely keep a female pup out of the litter to raise for future breeding stock.

What holds me back is that there are always a lot of lab litters being advertised around here. I don't want to add to what might already be a glutt of labs in the area, although they do seem to sell. Labradoodles are quite rare here and from what I've learned, are in demand. I am confident I could find them good homes rather quickly and at a higher price than the labs, but naturally I couldn't save a pup for future breeding since it would be a daughter of my male.

The owner of the lab male happened to be visiting one of my neighbors and saw my lab girls, which is how he found out about them. He really liked my chocolate, so made me this proposition.
So in my position what would you do?
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Last edited by Tink; 07-07-2007 at 10:50 PM.
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