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Old 07-09-2007, 12:18 PM   #12
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Ponyup
How long have you been on it & what side effects are you experiencing. When I first started birth control I was on ortho-tricyclen. For the first 2 months I had some side effects, head ache, stomache ache, nauseus. But after about 2 months those side effects went away.

I recently switched to Yaz. My PMS systoms have gotten really bad lately & this should help me control them. Plus with Yaz I am going to have a period every 10 weeks instead of every 4. You can't do this on the ortho-triclene because it's not mono-hormonal.
I have been on it for about 2 years now..I was on it along with another medication for migraines..I had to quit that one over a year ago because of the side effects and things that I thought were because of that. Well, I am still experiencing some of them. I am very irritable and I cry at the drop of a anything. I can prolly make myself cry! My boyfriend of 2.5 years has been very patient with everything. I also have zero sex drive and Im only 23! That's not normal..haha.. and it has put quite a damper on that part of the relationship...I havent had any physical side effects. I got the ortho lo this afternoon and I have to wait 2 weeks to finish out my Yasmin and then I will see how it goes!
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