Thread: I am sore!!
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Old 07-12-2007, 04:23 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Marilyn
I'm trying a little at a time to tackle our entire house. I need to work from the top roof ridge down. We've moved so often that we have boxes we've moved with us that are in the attic & garage that I don't know what is in them. I did clear out some shelves in the master br closet and go through that stuff a couple of weeks ago. And Janet, you shoud see my filing cabinets. There's stuff in there that I know is big time trash. All I have is a few minutes each evening, and Saturdays, but somehow I have to get it done!!!!
I know, isn't it hard to really find the time and without too many interruptions? My husband has been shocked with how much trash I've set outside the back door for him to take to the dumpster.

I'm just really tired of the clutter. I'm hoping to start in on the garage this weekend, so if something is too awful heavy, I'll have some help.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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