Thread: Is it normal...
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Old 09-28-2007, 12:58 PM   #2
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It most definatly is normal to feel that way! I got married in 2004, and remember having the jitters, and cold feet all too well.
It's a big step in your life, and a day you will never forget.
Try not to stress too much, because it all turns out just fine in the end.
My worste fear was my wedding dress that was getting bigger, and bigger each time i had to go for a fitting, i wouldnt stop losing weight.
We seem to think, that the guys dont worry like we do, but they do, just the same.
Try to enjoy all the preperations, and do as much as you can together, it's a lot of fun, just try stay relaxed.
Many people will walk in and out your life, but only true friends leave footprints!
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