Thread: Is it normal...
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Old 09-29-2007, 01:36 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by vainchick5
WE got in a huge blow out fight the other night, and it WASN'T EVEN ANYTHING TO DO WITH US. He's pissed at his boss, he was upset with his family and I was his first moving target. We talked through it and he admited he was in the wrong but it still bothered me that it happened period. I always start the laundry and he folds or helps fold them, but I still want to be a brat and not do them at all. I swear when he says " HONEY CAN WE DO LAUNDRY TONIGHT" I just want to stick my toothbrush up his that bad??

LMAO@ the toothbrush - but no it's not bad.... it's what you feeling, just dont ignore what you feel, face it, and get it out, let him know what's bothering you.
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