Originally Posted by RLC12345678
Nobella, I understand completely!!!!! Any chance you and your fiance are the same birth order? I mean, are you both the baby or both the middle child or both the oldest? The reason I ask is because couples that are the same birth order tend to argue more than couples that are different birth orders. My hubby and I are both first borns, which means we are both stubborn as h*ll, and we tend to argue alot. But, when we DO argue, I just have to sit back and think of all the GOOD things about my hubby before I make decisions in the heat of the moment. Like your fiance, my hubby cooks, cleans, does laundry, brings me flowers, helps with the dogs, etc. The way I see it, I'm probably going to argue a ton with ANYONE I'm with. I'm pretty lucky to have someone like my hubby who does all those things around the house. Nothing is ever perfect. Marriage is DEFINATELY not perfect. It's HARD and it takes committment to make it work.
He's the middle child and I'm the youngest of 2. Boy am I glad he wasn't the youngest..lol..You are so wise

It's so hard to think of anything good about the other person when you're in the heat of the moment but I will have to try that. Thanks for giving me amazing advice!