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Old 10-15-2007, 07:14 AM   #3
Donating 4WT Yakker
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When I got a part-time job, as a young teenager, I was expected to give $15.00/week to my parents. There was no sit down, family meeting, explanation, etc.
I was told that I had to chip in and that was it! I didn't even mind. It just wasn't an option.

My parents were by no means poor. We just were raised that way. My mother did surprise me later on. When I was planning my first wedding, she very unexpectedly handed me all of the money she had collected from me over the years for me to buy myself a trousseau. Had she not, I wouldn't have minded giving that money over.

(Actually, I was a "hippie" in those days and had no need for a trousseau - I only wore jeans. But that's a story for another thread).

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