Thanks Ladies
The 21 yr old has agreed to move out in a couple weeks. (Now just so he does) So he and his gf not being here so much will help. I really do like her but even if she doesn't live here, it's one more body in the way.
The 19 yr old wants out... she has never liked to live at home... but has to find a job that she can support herself on. She's going job hunting with a friend today, so I hope she finds something! Her bf works a full time and a part time job besides, so that helps keep him from being here any more than he is. He introduced Katie to his dad and bro this weekend so now they can spend some time there rather than always hanging out here. whch will help some too.
Doug, the friend, started a decent paying job last week so said he will start chipping in with his first check. He's working 70+ hrs a week so isn't here much anymore, but still needs to go asap. I have to give him credit though.... he's more apt to help with the dogs or even housework than my own 2 are. I think he realizes he's on thin ice not being blood family. lol
So far they've all taken my boot in the butt nicely. I think they realize they need to go, it's just too easy not to as long as we don't give them that push. So Here's me PUSHING
'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.'
England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair'