Thread: Adhd
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Old 09-17-2006, 04:43 PM   #14
4WT 500 Club Member
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Originally Posted by Janet
What a great future you have ahead of you. I so wish I could turn back the hands of time!!! I wanted to go to college to be a teacher, but thought I was "too much in love" and didn't want to leave him. DUMB! DUMB! DUMB! I always encourage everyone to do all the things you want to do before you get married. I was never able to afford to go after I got married.
That is what my mother & grandmother preached to ALL the things you want to do BEFORE you get married. I got married right after undergrad, but luckily my hubby and I have the same life goals. He is all about me going to law school and being a professional and having a career. He works so much that I HAVE to have something to keep me occupied. I figure, why not make a little money while doing it, right? Plus, I LOVE law. I have wanted to be an attorney ever since I can remember.
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48
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