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Old 09-17-2006, 05:13 PM   #1
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Question Thick, wavy, and frizzy hair !

BEFORE I got pregnant my hair was just as straight as it could be. I have always had very thick hair tho. AFTER getting pregnant my hair color got darker and my hair got harder. Later on right after I had my DD my hair started to get wavy and frizzy. I have had to have my hair thinned out for as long as I can remember. I HATE IT!!! I am actually thinking of having my hair straightened at the salon. She said it should help with the frizziness and it should also help with the poofiness. I can stand sidways and my hair will stick out at least 3 or 4 inches from my head because of the natural curl, thickness and the frizziness. HAs anyone had thier hair straightened out and if so how did it go. ANy regrets?

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