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Old 11-12-2007, 10:15 AM   #2
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Who is most likely to go to a fancy restaurant with friends and pick up the tab? myself, but i know you and i would fight over the tab LOL

Who is most likely to multi-task while driving? Janet

Who is most likely to curse? me & you

Who is most likely to take a trip around the world? No idea!

Who is most likely to be overly shy? Uhmmm.... thinking hard gimme a sec.

Who is most likely to be a great dancer? Judy

Who is most likely to camp in the wildeness? Kate

Who is most likely to go over their budget Christmas shopping? You & me LOL

Who is most likely to make their hubby sleep on the couch? Thats a tough one
Many people will walk in and out your life, but only true friends leave footprints!
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