Who is most likely to go to a fancy restaurant with friends and pick up the tab?
Marilyn... she seems very generous and classy
Who is most likely to multi-task while driving?
Emmsmom... she seems to feel she's got to keep busy.
Who is most likely to curse?
Me? I admit I can have a potty mouth at times.
Who is most likely to take a trip around the world?
Lindsey of course!
Who is most likely to be overly shy?
Maybe Janet... 'cause while WE all know she's wonderful, I think sometimes SHE forgets it.
Who is most likely to be a great dancer?
Judy and Sheryl... they both strike me as blast to hang out with.
Who is most likely to camp in the wilderness?
Yep... gotta agree with Diana on this one. I think she and I would do just fine left on our own in the mountains for a week.
Who is most likely to go over their budget Christmas shopping?
Most of us!
Who is most likely to make their hubby sleep on the couch?
Any who's man is being a butt head. I think we're all pretty capable of standing up for ourselves as needed.
'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.'
England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair'