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Old 11-12-2007, 05:20 PM   #6
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This thread (if I say so myself ) has been interesting. It's been fun to see how each of us perceives another member. Were any of you surprised about what was said? LOL....I kinda was. I posted this in in hopes to hope to get to know us all even more. Isn't that what friendship is all about anyways?

Ok - This is my perception

Who is most likely to go to a fancy restaurant with friends and pick up the tab?
Me. Hubby and I 99% pick up a tab because it's just what we do.

Who is most likely to multi-task while driving? Janet - school bus driver and all those kids. Goodness!

Who is most likely to curse? Mandy - I admit I probably come in 2nd but she's got a way with words.

Who is most likely to take a trip around the world? Lindsey

Who is most likely to be overly shy? actually, myself. I am so terribly shy it isn't funny.

Who is most likely to be a great dancer? Judy. She has a way about her that always seems held with grace and beauty.

Who is most likely to camp in the wildeness? Kate.

Who is most likely to go over their budget Christmas shopping? I picked Diana on this one. From what I can tell she has a large family whom she enjoys to be around. I for some reason have visuals of her at a mall with large overloaded gift bags on each arm.

Who is most likely to make their hubby sleep on the couch? For sure, Janet.
, /\/\ ,,, Sheryl
When I grow up I want to be a horse whisperer!
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