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Old 11-26-2007, 12:29 PM   #14
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Dear Toodles,

I'm divorced for the second time. I didn't learn what I needed to learn from the first divorce, and married the same kind of guy.

I do agree with Kate about you going into counseling. It is a very big decision and it is most important to have no regrets. You also may need the support a therapist can give you. My ex and I went to marriage counselling too, and it helped me further to decide to leave him. It certainly did nothing for our marriage. I'm not against it, but it's not a magic cure all either.

Follow your instincts. I did, and I have been happier every day since he's gone, and that's about 13 years now. I have absolutely no regrets. Being without a man is fine. Being with a man and unhappy is not fine.

Sheryl said it beautifully. We are supposed to be happy. Life is too short not to be.

I wish you all the happiness you wish yourself times 100.

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