Thread: Going ballistic
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Old 11-27-2007, 06:14 AM   #26
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See Tink, you're not alone, we all as parents need some help somewhere, somehow. I know one way that helped with my son and hubby was if I picked anything up of theirs (because they were too lazy) it either went in the trash (for them to dig out) or I threw it out the back door. I figured if it was important to them, they'd take care of it and put it where it belongs.

I'm with Gina....since hubby is so kind hearted...write up some rules...don't rush it, think them over and make sure you have everything covered....then tell them to sign it, follow it or get out.

Boy I sound so pushy don't I? I wonder if I'd be able to follow my own advice if the time comes.....LOL
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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