Christmas trees
I've had live Christmas trees most of my life. I'm allergic to the needles so always break out while decorating them, but was too stubborn to give in and get an artificial one. Until this year...
Each year I get less and less help decorating the tree. Greg always grumbles about having to help get the tree in a stand. Decorating it by myself is a PITA; especially putting on the lights... so I just bit the bullet and ordered myself a pre-lit artificial tree so I can decorate it without such a struggle or spending days itching my hands and arms raw.
The tree I ordered is only 6.5 feet tall, so it's not huge... but it's very full and hinged, so I hope I'm going to like it. I was seriously dumb struck when I saw the prices on the trees! I've found several that were literally thousands of dollars! Being the cheapskate that I am, I bought one that was normally $400 but was way less than that including shipping.
So who else has an artificial tree?
Do you like it? What features did you look for when choosing it?
'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.'
England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair'