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Old 12-18-2007, 06:17 AM   #1
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How to respond to an annoying student

This made me laugh!

I teach Sat. mornings at a community college, as most of you know. It's the last required English course, so you'd think they would know what you need to do to pass a class.

Helmsley is a very nice, quiet, handsome young man who shows up periodically or late. His assignments are generally late and I think he's missing some.

They were taking the final exam last Sat. when his cell phone rings and he must leave to deal with an emergency! Can I give him info about a make-up exam? I wrote him a note requesting that he be allowed to .... I really think he didn't study, texted someone to call him, and left so that he could study and take the test at a later date. I doubt if he'll do the readings, so he probably won't pass anyway.

These are the emails since then:

Prof. Judy bloom,

Good afternoon this is Hemsley Joseph from your Saturday class held between 9am to 12:30pm. I would like to first apologize for the disruption in class on the day of the final and thank you for allowing me a pardon to take it at a later that, furthermore i emailed you this revision of my final essay since Tuesday December 11, 2007 through my office work station but was unaware you never received it until i spoke with my History professor, on Friday who stated that he never received my email as well. I can only assume that the failed attempt to email this to you was due to the current Construction being done at my company where the network is frequently interrupted. I ask that you please accept my final revised paper as well as my apology for not confirming that you received my paper. thank you again in advance and i wish the best holiday to you and your family.

Dear Hemsley,

I'm sorry, but I have already submitted my grades. You got an INC because of the final exam and a D on the research paper.

Judy Bloom

Prof Bloom,

Based on the fact that i have to take the finals at a later date which will require a grade change can you accept and evaluate my revised final essay and put it towards my final grade with the submission of my final exam?

I'll see.
Judy Bloom

For those of you who are parents or teachers, we all know what "I'll see" means!

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