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Old 01-11-2008, 02:55 PM   #3
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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I suggest smelling his dirty clothes. If you've ever smelled weed before you'll know for sure if he's smoking it from his clothes. If you don't know what weed smells like, it kinda smells like dirty feet & b/o. If he's smoking cigarettes you should be able to smell that too. Also if he wears tons of cologne or something he might be covering up some other smells. I personally think he's too young to do these things. I did some of these things, but I was older. There's a boy in my town who's girlfriend just had a baby & he's only 15. Make sure he's being 16 is he really ready to have a baby. Also what about driving under the influence, he could get hurt or hurt someone else. I don't know if you too are close, but a heart to heart might be in order, but he may not want to listen.
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