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Old 01-14-2008, 09:35 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by hollisterxsurfx
yeah i dont think im going to talk to him about it i think that im just going to let my parents deal with it and if that doesnt work ill step up and talk to him probably. Give him some of my personal experiences to base his choices off and then hope that he does the right things. I dont think he would ever drive under the influence, but i guess i dont really know that for sure. Driving is a whole other issue that scares me cause in my town every year someone under the age of 18 dies due to car accidents its so sad.
I really hope someone can talk some sense into him, he's playing a very dangerous game. Hopefully your parents can take care of it. He is a minor & living under there roof. Hopefully they can ground him or take things away to staighten him up. I hung around with a rough crowd when I was that age, but I had a strong moral base & their decisions did not affect my own. But not everyone is like me. Peer pressure is a very hard thing to fight against.
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