Jess went to the doctor today. He found nothing wrong with her blood or her neck on the MRI.
She has an appointment next week with a new neurologist upstate and with a cardiologist I think. The doctor today said it may be MS related - he can't find anything else.
She's not sounding too worried about it, except that her wrist hurts. I'm hoping the pain subsides by the time she gets to the neurologist. I doubt if they'll figure it out - especially if it's related to the MS. Symptoms come and go with MS - some big and some small.
As long as no other new symptoms pop up, it's part of what she has. Neurological disorders are very strange. They're not even sure she has MS - at least 2 doctors told her that and she has decided to believe them. There are a few other things that are similar and are treated the same.
I figure if it makes her happy to not think she has it, fine.
I pray a lot for her and that's all I can do.