Thread: My Dad
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Old 01-17-2008, 11:21 AM   #8
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I too lost my father January 27, 2006 from liver cancer. I understand how you feel and my heart goes out to you. I know how difficult it is and I am not over it either. I still wake up some mornings and think he's still a live and reality sets in. My dad has a heavy drug/alcohol user and I really wasn't close to him and I have so many regrets and I've said horrible things to him. I'm thankful that we did forgive each other for all of our mistakes. I can't even beleive that in 10 days it will be a year. Sometimes I wonder how life goes on and why God would do such a thing. I've learned to stop questioning God and that he did it for a reason. The only advice I have is to turn to God and let him heal your broken heart! My heart goes out to you and your not alone!
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