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Old 01-17-2008, 02:16 PM   #15
Donating 4WT Yakker
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Jessie has shingles. She woke up with a rash right where the pain is, and went to the doctor.

I hope it's not a long bout of shingles! She has to do without pain meds for it because she's on strong MS medication. The doctor told her that it's contagious and only people who haven't had chicken pox won't catch it. That's new to me.

Anyway, of course her husband is down here working. He'll be home tomorrow though. I told her I would come up if it's an emergency. (I surely don't want to though - I want to stay home and continue getting my house in order). Her house is so hectic!

I'll do what I have to but......;

I feel sorry for her. Shingles is hard to kick isn't it?

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