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Old 01-18-2008, 10:15 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Janet
I'm really sorry about your Grandpa. I never got to meet any of mine, they had all passed before or shortly after I was born. I wish I could have experienced the love of a grandparent. Is anyone willing to take him in, or will he allow that? Some never want to lose what independence they have. I know it will be that way with my mother.

I hope things start looking better for you soon.
Once my parents new house is complete they would have plenty of room for him, but he doesn't want to leave his home. My parents live right across the street from his farm so it's not like he's super alone. We're trying to talk my aunt & uncle into moving in with him & then they can have the house after he's gone. that would be the best situation, but we will see what works out.

Grandma has been gone almost 2 years now. None of us thought he'd live very long without her, they kept each other going. He has help there from 7-2 every day and then someone in the family comes & gets him & takes him to dinner. My husband & I are in charge of wed. nights right now & anytime someone needs to trade for some reason. What he really hates is sleeping alone. his old weekend girl slept there on friday & sat. & now he's sad cause he won't have that. He was paying her $15 an hour to sleep, can you believe that. She really had him wrapped around her finger. We're trying to find someone to sleep there a few nights a week for like $40 a night, so he doesn't feel so alone.

Janet I'm sorry you never got to know your grandparents, mine were wonderful. I spend pretty much everyday on there farm. I will never forget the love & wisdom they brought into my life.
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