So sad this has happened to you. Those of us who have been in the workforce for a few years have probably experienced the same thing at one time or another. It's very frustrating. I hope your boss can shed some light,or at least listen to your side of the story.
I hate to say it, and not knowing the entire situation, I think there may be a bit to sexual descrimination going on here. When I entered the professional workforce in 1979, we were still trying to fit into traditionally male jobs. I was one of the very few female engineers working for a major petrochemical comany at the time. We thought we were forging new frontiers until we met women twice our age who had some real stories to tell.
It may be 2008, but the descrimination, though significantly reduced, is still going on. I see it often and it is sooooo frustrating.
Let us know what your boss says. This sounds so unfair.
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