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Old 02-11-2008, 04:50 AM   #5
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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First my boss is actually female. I talked to her friday & I'll be in limbo for a bit, but then they are going to move me into some areas where I've shown interest, so it might be good. Also from talking to others in the company I've found out that my co-worker who got promoted that it's only in title & that he is on very thin ice. He old boss requested to have him back because he thought he could improve his work & make him a valuable employee. His old boss really likes him & they go to the same church so he's willing to do anything to save his job. I've figured out that this really bothered me because I was very much in control of my little area & now I will those some of that. I'm going to talk to my boss again today because I have a plan on how to retain some of my control.
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