Originally Posted by CoyoteQueen
dont you hate it when our guys take their crappy days out on us? I hope your weekend improves!
Yeah, he has a very short fuse and tends to take it out on me when he's mad at anyone else. For awhile I've just been trying to stay above it and stay happy and positive, knowing he doesn't really mean to hurt me but he just needs to get his anger out. But I think he needs to find other ways sometimes. It has improved in the past few months but it's not at a happy point yet!
I was considering just backing out on snowboarding earlier. He sent me a text saying "We're leaving at 9" and I didn't reply. Then he texted again saying "I don't know if you got my last text but we're leaving at 9 tomorrow" and I wrote "have fun" and sent it, but cancelled right away. Now I feel stupid about getting so upset about him snapping at me, so I still want to snowboard tomorrow!