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Old 03-04-2008, 07:07 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Marilyn
Okay, most of the time, I'm telling you how warm it is here when you are cold where you are. Well this Saturday, Melissa will be here and it looks like our other daughter Karen will be off and can come, so I've planned a fishing trip for us and a friend, Julia, who is having a baby in August. Everyone is really excited and looking forward to it. They've been bugging me to do this. I had to hire a guide because we don't have or want to own a boat. We wanted to do this before the wedding, before the baby and Karen works for a bank and seldom gets a Saturday off. Perfect opportunity!!

Now the hitch, the weather has turned cold. They are predicting in the 40's Saturday morning with a high of 69. We should leave the dock at 7 a.m. Now I'm afraid it will be too cold. Julia is from Russia and has had enough cold in her life. She likes it warm, and I'm afaid out on the water, if it's a little windy, it will be too cold for all of us. I'm calling everyone today to see what they all think. The cold here is different than at higher elevations. It's not cold often, but when it is, it's a damp cold that can penetrate. Bummer!!
If it's too cold, there is surely something you all can do together, right?

And what 'baby?' Did I miss something?
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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