Welp, we voted. Now just have to wait and see. I think it's disgusting that so many Republicans are crossing over for the wrong reasons, and Rush Limbaugh is encouraging them to do so. Here's alink to an article on CNN.com:
Here's a bit of the article.
"On his Monday show, several listeners appeared dismayed that Limbaugh was urging them to support the New York senator.
"Wouldn't you love to cream Hillary though…why are you so afraid of her? Look at how ineptly she has campaigned against Obama," Limbaugh responded to one listener who said she wanted to see Clinton out of the race immediately.
I'm asking people to cross over, and if they can stomach it and I know it's a difficult thing to do, vote for Clinton," he also told Ingraham Friday. "But it will sustain this soap opera, and it's something I think we need and it'll be fun, too."
Several recent polls suggest Clinton is statically tied with Obama in Texas, and the New York senator's campaign has characterized Tuesday's vote as a crucial test of strength."
I believe you should support your candidate straight up, no manipulating of another party's race.
I did get a ticket to attend the convention at 7:30 this evening. The candidates won't be there unless a local one is in our precinct. These are small precinct conventions. There are 35 precincts in our county, and each will hold a convention tonight. A presidential caucus will be held at each convention. At the caucus, a delegate will be elected. Delegates from each precinct attend a district caucus on March 29th where Delegates will be elected to attend the state convention in Austin on June 6th. From the state convention 228 delegates are chosen to attend the national convention which will be held August 25-28. When the Clintons refer to voters in Texas voting twice, they are referring to voting at the poll and returning that evening to vote in the caucus.