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Old 03-05-2008, 04:32 PM   #15
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i'm with you there, dobie.
i go to a methodist church but my beliefs are not traditional. i believe the life of jesus was an inspiration, and that there have been several prophets that we can learn from the life of. i try to follow those teachings.
i don't literally take the immaculate conception as reality, but i also think it doesn't matter what we believe about what or how things really happened back then. how a person lives their life is more important.
my main way to live life is take care of myself, help other people, and take care of the earth.
i like a lot of things other rreligions say...buddhism, taoism, etc.
i get a lot of spiritual things from nature, my friendships, the way the whole universe works, and music; i see a lot of god there.
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