I hired someone to drive all my Mom's stuff back from Calif and it came at 6:00pm
I knew this was gonna be rough, but I didn't expect all the emotions that are coming out. I now have the brass bed I used to sleep in and her favorite recliner.
Her car was towed here on the back of the truck, I was the only person that sat in the back seat of that car. Such sweet memories. I would've brought the whole house back if I could have. All her Waterford made it one piece, I'm gonna divy it up between my 3 daughters. I really can't part with anything else yet.
I now own 3 houses, one in Watertown, Wi where Pete and I spent his last year,
That's up for sale. Now my Mom's in Orange Hills, Ca. (for Sale) and mine here.
I swear it's feast of famine. I'd give all this up just to spend one day with them again. I'm sorry ladies, but this is too much to bare. I became a widow and an orphan in a 9 month period. I'm so very sad, I think I'd better seek some grief counseling, cuz I feel like I'm losing it, and all I wanna do is sleep. I'm so glad I have Maggie and Bailey to take care of cuz if it wasn't for them I'd never get out of bed. Thanks for being here for me, you've all been my thread to hang on to.
