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Old 03-10-2008, 08:46 AM   #13
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Kim, she didn't have a menu for 2009, she was going to let us look at sample menus. But like I said, far too hectic!

When she gets back from out of town and touches base with me, I will ask her to mail that, along with the pictures of the reception area she was going to show us made formal. I have a couple last minute questions I wanted to ask her so I am sure of what I am talking about here before anything is signed over a contract.

Janet, don't worry. I highly doubt there would be a divorce in our future. One of the many reasons why we have waited as long as we have (along with a strong financial foundation to start a family). It is a once in a lifetime experience so I got over the price when I heard it pretty fast...

So far, it looks like everyone is with me on preferring the dolphin room idea. Much easier with the two adjoining rooms and someone else pointed out I wouldn't be depending on what the weather was like outside.

I am still going to look into a few more places, just out of curiosity price wise, but I can't see anything topping those prices including four hours of dolphin entertainment! I wasn't planning on an evening wedding, but the more I think about it, I am getting fond of the idea!

Heather, that was one of my first questions lol (the photographer) first I asked if it would bother the dolphins, then I asked if the glare would be a problem
I believe they have special ways and equipment for shooting in aquariums

lol Chandra! I was the same way as a child
for center piece ideas, I still think I am going to stick with hand making the wide glass bowls, with three white floating candles and glass beads at the bottom.

Last edited by pope1982; 03-10-2008 at 08:50 AM.
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