God does not hate you. He is always with you and always loves you. Just don't go back to that church. You'll find one when the time is right.
I love that letter Pearl! Thanks for sharing that.
I also have a little bit of lots of religions I believe in, but I was especially blessed with complete faith from the time I was very young. God is my best friend, he is always with me and I try to always remember to let him guide me.
I was born Jewish, so I believe that God is called God. Then I became a Buddhist for about 8 years. I don't care for organized religion so I didn't stick with Judaism. The Buddhist practice that I belonged to was also an organized religion, and they did not believe in God, but in a cosmic consciousness. They also felt that theirs was the only way to worship - something I find I cannot be a part of. There are many ways to worship and many names for God. I love Jesus, I love Mary, I don't question any of my beliefs, nor any one else's.
The only thing that I would like to have would be a community of people who feel as I do. Sometimes I need a place to bring my feelings, fears, joys, etc. to. Sept. 11th was a day like that.
I'll find a group like that some day and I'll be very happy.