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Old 03-12-2008, 05:37 AM   #57
Posts: n/a
hhmm, I guess I have to disagree slightly, I believe in preordination. I think your life is planned from the start and its known since before the foundations of the earth what your choices will be thus your more destined than it being by your good works. (read Ephesians 14-13) I take quite literally that our good works are as "filthy rags" (menstruel clothes, and in that time untouchable) simply because we are never, no matter what we do going to be able to "earn" the blood of Christ. His was the supreme sacrifice, as he was/is diety and nothing you or I can do as in works can earn us eternal life. It is a gift, I believe freely given and only our pride makes us not want to be beholden.

However, I guess that wasnt really the question I was trying to ask! LOL! Sorry I wasnt plain. I wanted to know, if you believe you have the faith to die? Would you grasp at straws to preserve this earthly life if you truly believed you have an wonderful hereafter waiting for you? If you really believe should you not be eager to die?
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