03-12-2008, 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by pearl
coyote, i would think that the belief that there is paradise waiting might spur a person on to die, but i also think that belief also would have a part that if you hurried your death you might effect your paradise. because there is a "plan" for your life and it's up to God to decide when you die.
i don't personally believe that at all, but i think other people may see it that way.
I am also finding this an interesting thread!and thats an excellent point Pearl. I dont think we should attempt to hasten our deaths! I just am heart broken for my family members who actually try to raise their dead. I think your religious beliefs should give you peace in death. I dont think they have that.
I have spent years reading different translations of the bible, different theologies from different organized religions and even pagan beliefs and theorys. The thing I have noticed is its in the details. Once you scrape all the top layers off, most forms of religion are simply saying the same thing. It is many faceted, for sure. I think we each get hung up on our little details!
Judy, thanks for your well wishes. I do love attending the Catholic church. Their ceremonies are unbelievably beautiful. I personally have spent most of my life reading the bible and have very decided convictions and personal beliefs. I dont feel that being Catholic in any way takes away from my personal beliefs. I have found that Catholicism has been a lovely way to worship. A place for me to join in with other people and enjoy a community of people who have the desire to live good and wholesome lives. I am further comforted by the fact that Catholicism has been around since the very early days of christianity. They are not following a new vision, but rather a tradition of beliefs. I dont like fly by night religions. So, I would have to say that this church fits me nicely!
Originally Posted by DianaB
I'm sorry to post so many times but you had several things in your post to address, Coyote. I hope that I'm not boring you.
no problem!
Do I have the faith to die? Let me put it this way, Coyote, if you and I were in an extremely dangerous spot and only one of us could make it out alive then I would stay behind because I know where I'm going to spend eternity. No doubts. I would hope that by my death that you would have time to come and know Jesus as your Savior.
what a sweet offer, god forbid we are ever in that situation but I feel pretty confident in my destiny and fate! so the sacrifice wouldnt be necesary! thanks tho!
Would I grasp at straws to preserve this earthly life if you truly believed you have a wonderful hereafter waiting for you? If I were to get cancer or something like that it would definitely depend on how advanced the disease was for me to make a decision like that. I don't know that I would "grasp for straws" for I know that I'm headed for a better place. I would take some treatments but I wouldn't go overboard and try everything just to stay alive. I do have a wonderful family and several grandchildren that I would love to see grow and become adults. Plus I have a much younger daughter that I want to see happily married and her children. I defintely wouldn't be "desperate" to stay alive though.
If you really believe should you not be eager to die? No, not eager to die. Each of us has a different circle of friends in our life, like I bet you don't have contact with anyone else in my community, and I am to be the bearer of God's love and His plan of salvation to those that are around me. If I'm eager to die then I lose the time that I have to tell those around me about God. I have a work to do and when I'm finished (and that's not up to me to decide) then God will call me home.
as I shared above, I am still trying to drive home the point that these 2 stories I shared are of grieving families who are trying to raise the dead, yet claim to believe their children are "sleeping in Jesus" which IMO is a bit different than going to the Dr for some routine health care!
and now I just want to add, for everyone posting on this thread. Please do not interpret my comments as argumentative. Obviously religion like politics are a very controversal topic. I certainly am not trying to convince anyone to believe like me, and as I have spent years figuring my own path, I am not looking to convert. I am simply fascinated by everyones beliefs.