Judy, I'm not going to be any help because they all sounded similiar to me.
My sister-in-law has a talking bird and it is so cool but annoying. He's learned to mimic the sounds of when you plug in your cell phone or the ringer. He'll sing songs too. He'll sit and just start going through everything that he knows throughout the day. Brenda said that once he picked up an annoying bird call from outside, a screech, and that was the worst. Her daughter once got annoyed while watching tv so she put a covering over his cage and he said "peek a boo!" I don't think that I'd want one after being around hers.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Diana Baker ✞
You and I are friends.......
Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up......
After I stop laughing!!!