Thread: just curious
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Old 09-21-2006, 10:33 AM   #13
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 116
4WomenTalk follows the established rules of the Internet and trusts the user to be truthful and honest in their age when filling out the age questionnaire. We require members be 18 years or older. Unless we start asking for photocopies of IDs which would be a hassle for everyone not to mention loss of privacy, there is not much else we can do to verify age. Even that is not fool-proof because we still could not verify their identity. One of the few ways to establish proof of identity may be to accept a payment, but we have always had the goal of keeping 4WomenTalk a free community for women, so we are against that idea.

Please note that we do not delete threads of posts here at 4WomenTalk (unless it is an extreme circumstance, it breaks 4WT rules, or we are required by law). Please note that anything you say or write or share may be viewed by not just 4WT members, but by anyone viewing our site. We are also not responsible for any posts or pictures that may be posted by other members as members are responsible for their own posts and it is impossible for us to monitor each and every message in real time. We rely on members to report bad posts or inform us of any potential problematic posts.

We do not allow username changes, but if you want a new username, you may set up a new account and we will disable your current 4WT account. A member may only do this ONE TIME. We allow one username per household unless cleared in advance and we only allow one membership per person.

We hope this answers your questions.
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