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Old 04-16-2008, 10:10 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by judy View Post
I love projects! Marilyn - I can't wait for the soap recipe.

I make perfume, using essential oils. My favorites are jasmine and bergamot, which is a light citrusy scent. You have to buy good oils, and they are expensive, but they last for years.
Judy, Here's a link to the soap thread.

I wish I could move it now that we have an Arts & Crafts Forum. I'll have to pace myself. I can tell this soap thing can become addicting. Essential oils are used in soap making as well. Perhaps I'll get creative and make some jasmine and bergamot soap. If so, I'll share. I'm just learning where to find the ingredients. My base soap was easy. Everything came from the grocery store except the lye which I found at Lowes.
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