Originally Posted by Tink
I'm so excited!
These dogs love to have jobs... and I had a call from someone this evening who wants a pup that would be trained to work with him. He's a police officer who does water search and rescue and so the dog would have to be very friendly, willing to approach strangers without hesitation, would have to love the water, be able to manuever in tall grass, etc. I can't be at all threatening looking, and should be as low shedding and hypoallergenic as possible. Quite a long list!
I'd LOVE if I can get my pups known in a working capacity! This guy knows someone who has a pup from Canada's last litter and is very impressed with that one, which is why he looked me up. My fingers are crossed that one of my pups will fill his needs.
Wow that is so exciting! How cool would that be! I hope it works out and one of your pups goes to him!!! Keep us in the know!