We have a lake here that has a beach area. The water is clear around the beach and you can clearly see anything coming or going. LOL I will swim there at times but I don't do it often tho. I use to lOVE going to the lake! THat all ended when my husband and I took a waverunner out into a DEEP lake. He decided to try to jump a wave. We did... and then it FLIPPED! I spazzed and so did he. He can't swim so I gave him my life jacket as well. So there I was swimming in the middle of a lake that was every bit of 60 feet deep. It was so dark that I couldn't see a thing. It was the first time that I was ever really scared of the water. Ever since then I have haven't been able to get in a lake till we moved here. As far as the ocean goes... Nope .. not happening. I am too much of a chicken S**T to do anything but stand at the edge. Way to many critters out there with teeth for my liking. This NEVER bothered me as a child. AHH the joys of getting older and wiser! LOL