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Old 04-23-2008, 01:01 PM   #1
Donating 4WT 2000 Club Member
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Janet!! Your Vote Matters!!

Janet, for once, your vote in the primary really, really matters!!! Whatcha gonna do??? Huh, Huh??? I'm on pins and needles here!!

pssstttt......Janet, please, oh pretty please, vote for my guy, okay?!! You know who I mean. Love you!! You're the best!!! He really doesn't think people out in the country resort to guns and religion when they get "bitter". Just when you have to pay $3.44 per gallon for gas, right??? That's when the guns come out!!!

Just couldn't resist pestering you just a little. Your the only one in Indiana I know well enough to bug about this.

Get ready to be really pestered by the robo calls!!! We got several when our primary was almost here. Hillary, Obama, Bill all called with recorded messages, multiple times. The Hillary folks kept wanting me to push 1 if I was voting for her. Wasn't sure what to do if I wasn't that's the only option they gave.

At least you won't be lonely for a few days. Enjoy your month in the spotlight!!!
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