I think everyone is afraid of my thread!!!

I'm posting about one of those
controversial subjects.

I think people are more afraid of (or either sick of) this subject than they are of religion. Probably sick of

is more appropriate, with all the disgusting negative campaigning. My guy hates it, too, but they said he has to do it to get elected, or he would look weak. And yes your phone will be ringing. Politicians don't have to abide by the no-call list.
One comentator I heard on the radio said his wife voted for the candidate who made the fewest robo-calls.
There will be volunteers who will call also, live people. You might ask how much they would be willing to pay for a puppy to get your vote. Would be interesting to hear their answers, and you could post them on here!! Hubby loves messing with them when they call. Not a very good way to find a qualified buyer though.